Technomad offers a complete range of high-powered weatherproof PA systems and communications equipment for Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) programs, fueling simulated warfare environments for military troops and combat soldiers in training.
MOUT, also known as Urban Operations, defines combat in cities, towns and other urban environments. Technomad’s expanding presence in MOUT drills on worldwide military bases provides soldiers with realistic training for urban warfare. The company has many high-profile MOUT training projects live today, including the National Training Center at Fort Irwin and Zussman Urban Combat Center.
Technomad PA systems inject realistic sounds into simulated combat environments, including those common in urban environments. The Technomad SuperConductor military audio player injects simulated flash bangs (grenades) and artillery into MOUT exercises in place of pyrotechnics. The SuperConductor injects other realistic sounds such as incoming fire, blank rounds for OPFOR (opposing forces) and human screams to enhance the overall “shock and awe” of the training event.
MOUT exercises help soldiers differentiate true threats from general civilian activity once in theater. Such training also helps soldiers better determine appropriate tactical responses in a “four-dimensional battlefield” with crowded sightlines, restrictive fires, and increased threats of enemy ambush from concealed locations. This teaches soldiers to engage possible threats from all directions.
Technomad MOUT systems provide exceptional speech intelligibility and audio reproduction over broad areas with exceptional ease of use. Technomad meets MilSpec 810F requirements with fully weatherproof, highly durable designs, including tactical, mobile PA systems (Technomad FireFly); simple Turnkey PA systems covering at least one square mile; and massive networked Giant Voice PA systems to cover much larger areas.
The SuperConductor audio player recorder packs a rich feature set into a 1RU form factor. Users upload audio files in a hassle-free manner at high speeds. The SuperConductor offers immediate, manual playback from a front-panel, push-and-turn knob; and automatic playback of files via down-to-the-second scheduling. Audio files are triggered for single-event playback or repeated many times via user-defined schedules.
Complete Technomad PA systems for MOUT operations include weatherproof loudspeakers, an amplifier, mixer, wired or wireless microphones, cables, connectors and gasketed, self-casing lids for extra loudspeaker protection. All audio components are delivered in a pre-wired, shock-mount equipment rack for maximum protection in the field. Technomad also offers its Land-Mobile Radio (LMR) interface for tying radio communications into exercises, as well as IP intercom systems for networking multiple communications points, including indoor locations.
ABOUT TECHNOMADTechnomad LLC, founded in 1995, designs and manufactures loudspeaker systems for the professional audio and security/military technology industries. The company invented the first reliable full-range military PA systems and now offers eight models with range up to one mile, as well as the SuperConductor military MP3 player and FireFly ultra-lightweight PA system.
For Additional information, contact:
Military Sales, Technomad Inc.
USA: 800-464-7757 x 710
International: 617-275-8898 x 710
Email: [email protected]