Technomad Ships Large Order to USMC Firing Range

Technomad LLC, a leader in high-powered weatherproof PA systems and communications equipment for military, security and other government applications, has shipped a large order of fixed and mobile Technomad Military PA systems to a military base in North Carolina.  The durable, weatherproof systems will provide instructional audio and public address on firing ranges for United States Marine Corps unit training, and inject “in-theater” realism for both the firing ranges and simulated Iraqi villages on the base.

The USMC has long used Technomad Military PA systems on its firing ranges at the North Carolina base, citing weatherproof construction, audio quality and long-distance projection as critical elements of the system that are vital to the unit’s mission.  The new systems address safety issues on firing ranges currently lacking PA systems, and replace decade-old PA systems from other vendors.

Firing Range with Technomad Loudspeaker

Technomad is delivering two of its new FireFly tactical mobile PA systems for us on smaller firing ranges.  The FireFly is the first backpack-portable, weatherproof, self-casing, all-in-one PA system for the military and offers superior audio quality, high power output, quick setup and rugged durability.  The FireFly systems provide loud and clear command and control capabilities to operators, along with unimpeded mobility to avoid shooters as they move between yard lines.

The USMC unit is also adding five fixed, turnkey Military PA Systems featuring multiple Technomad weatherproof loudspeakers with gasketed lids for extra protection.  The complete systems also feature amplifiers, six-channel audio mixers and Technomad SuperConductor military mp3 players among other components (wired and wireless microphones, speaker stands, cables and connectors) — all pre-wired within shock-mount signal processing racks.

The SuperConductor adds instant, manual playback capability from a front-panel knob position; and scheduled audio playback capability for base operations and training purposes.  The SuperConductors will replace older CD and cassette systems that were previously used for audio playback, providing a simple way for commanders and soldiers to upload sounds and background noises for single-event or repeated playback.  This enables repeat commands on the firing lines, as well as the injection of weapon- and war-related sounds for combat simulation.

The SuperConductors will also play back audio files in the villages and on the firing ranges that add to confusion of combat, including Muslim worship prayers, gunfire and vehicle sounds.

USMC Firing Range

The base commander in charge of equipment purchases notes that the first Technomad system on the base is still in top operating condition after five years of direct sun and rain exposure and living through two significant hurricanes.  The communications department, which handles system installation, has also purchased several Technomad Military PA systems to broadcast live voice and music during VIP ceremonies and other special events.

Technomad Military PA systems are used around the world for military/Giant Voice applications including mass notification, force protection, combat simulation and training, large range firing systems, PSYOPS, operations scheduling and tactical/mobile PA.  The SuperConductor is often integrated into Military PA System applications to simplify and enhance audio playback, add field recording capabilities and introduce message repeating for training drills, emergency situations and general base information.

ABOUT TECHNOMADTechnomad LLC, founded in 1995, designs and manufactures loudspeaker systems for the professional audio and security/military technology industries. The company invented the first reliable full-range military PA systems and now offers eight models with range up to one mile, as well as the SuperConductor military MP3 player and FireFly ultra-lightweight PA system.

For Additional information, contact:
Military Sales, Technomad Inc.
USA: 800-464-7757 x 710
International: 617-275-8898 x 710
Email: [email protected]

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